Tag Archives: Drinks

Keeping Cool With Jamaican Sorrel

As summer dances along and temperatures soar one of my favourite long cool drinks is Sorrel. Yes, purely speaking it is traditionally drunk at Christmas in the Caribbean as a festive drink, but with delicious spices and a tanginess that is refreshing this is just so good I love drinking it throughout the summer too. A fabulous idea to have in the

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Hot Toddy Inspired Lassi

I’m always thinking about great food and I have been really inspired by some gorgeous recipes I have seen for Lassi recently, a traditional drink originating in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.  A yoghurt-based drink adding herbs and spices and is a great digestive tonic filled with probiotics.  Earlier this week I was starting to feel a little under the weather and

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Hmm, Lovely Healthy Jamaican Chocolate Tea

Stay warm this winter as temperatures begin to drop to freezing and below with luxurious creamy Chocolate Tea. Chocolate Tea is made with Jamaican chocolate which is raw cacao, considered a superfood rich in antioxidants, minerals like iron and magnesium and vitamins.  A fantastic source of energy and good for overall health. Traditionally Chocolate Tea in Jamaica is drunk in the

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Carrot Punch

Carrot juice reminds me of Sunday mornings when mum would call me to the kitchen to come and help with the dinner. My favourite parts of making dinner was making the drink for the table. I would often make carrot juice but being Jamaican carrot juice is never just carrot juice. Cinnamon and nutmeg was always on hand to give

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10 Benefits of Lemons

Since last year I have start every morning (almost) with a cup of warm lemon, drinking it before I consuming anything else. Warm lemon water has huge benefits to the digestive system. Our bodies naturally want to cleanse early in the morning between 5 and 9 am and a cup of warm lemon water supports our body in doing this.

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